Thursday, March 24, 2011


As a kid did you ever imagine you were flying? Or if you could have any super power in the world it would be to fly? Well I guess human flight is something grown ups still dream of- and scientists are still working towards!

Well last year I went on a ride at Disneyland that was simulated to literally make you feel as if you were flying.  The ride starts with you sitting on a chair locked in with a seatbelt in a dark cinema type room.... the row of chairs is then lifted 45 feet in the air so your feet are dangling and all that is below you is darkness. You are then hoisted forward to be brought up close to a domed cinema screen.  This video below begins to play and you literally feel like you are flying. It is such an amazing sensation!

It was really cute because I sat next to this 8 year old blonde Californian girl and her parents- she told me she has an annual pass to Disneyland and this was her favourite ride. She was so excited that it was my first time there, and she narrated the whole experience to me "ohh we are about to fly over the orange blossom fields, can you smell the orange blossoms?!" and "lean forward here and it feels like you are flying even more! Extend your arms out like this!!" I heard her mum saying to her "Shh darling be quiet and let the lady enjoy it for herself". I couldn't stop giggling though. I love still being a child at heart.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVED this ride so much. It was right up there with the Peter Pan ride, although I actually cried on Peter Pan because it was so beautiful.

    I love Disneyland.
