Wednesday, August 31, 2011

latest purchase

I bought a striped pink and cream top just like this one last week!
I paired it with some turquoise earrings for an extra pop of colour.
Liking it with this pretty coloured green skirt.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

dancing beluga

If this doesn't prove animals have intuition then I don't know what does !


Friday, August 19, 2011

colour co-ordinating

For work, we interview people from various communities around Australia and ask them how they feel about their community- we ask them what they think are the strengths of their local area, the weaknesses of their local area, aspirations for their local area etc. The fun part is grouping their responses where you can see trends emerging which show the underlying positive or negative issues for that community. 

To conduct the data analysis, we enter the workbooks into Excel and and then sort responses alphabetically- however this only gets you so far.. some people might write for strengths of the area: Parks- which would sort under P, but while another might write The parks which would sort under T... so a bit of maual grunt work is needed! And this is my solution below- good old fashioned colouring in :)

Question: What are the key elements you feel contribute to making your work a great place to work?

PINK: Friendly environment
YELLOW: Accessible
BLUE: Good facilities in and around the workplace

p.s. The photo is one I took at work yesterday- Instagram makes everything look cool!

weekend inspiration

Good morning!!! A few things that have inspired me this morning :)

My new "summer" print from honey and fizz... Just need to find a better sized frame now.

Knowing oneday I WILL make it to Paris!!! Loving the vivid red against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower from decor is like butter

Admiring how gutsy people are to wallpaper their walls with crazy prints like silhouette poodles!! It always ends up looking so good... Or is it just because we never see the distatrous ones ha. Via rue.

The gorgeous cushions over at ada and darcy- I want them all!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i want to ride my bicycle, my bicycle

Exploring my new area and rode along the most glorious bike path on the weekend! Green grass, trees, ponds with ducks, scrub turkeys and lots of happy people out enjoying exercising- walking with friends/partners/dogs, jogging, cycling. I had walked along parts of there before with my friend Hannah who was a local of the area at the time, and it was actually one thing I was really looking forward to about moving into the area. I had been meaning to re-discover it for months now and am so glad I did- happy to report it didn't disappoint and I hope to make it a regular occurance :)

P.S. Inspired by this picture from PUBLIC bikes. I think I may have to whip out my yellow dress and jean jacket and give them a second life!


Came home to this lovely tea party set up in my courtyard by my lovely flatmate Jess! The pom poms were from a baby shower she attended- aren't they sweet? This was right at the end but still so pretty.

musical joy

I have watched this performance several times now and everytime I do it uplifts me :) Oh to be casually strolling through Central Park and stumbling across this! There is such a great vibe here-  it's summertime, there is music is in the air and everyone feels like they are a part of something special.
I really admire Beyonce- she epitomises a strong, empowered woman who proves that if you chase your dreams you can make them a reality! She is also an incredibly heart-felt performer and so self-assured. Loving this song 1+1 from her new album "4".
I hope this brings a little happiness into your day :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New places

Excited by travelling to new places...
I have just been informed I will be travelling to Perth for work at the end of this month!

Image courtesy of

Monday, August 1, 2011

Revitalised reading

I love the smell of second hand books.  It always reminds me of spending time with my dad where we would scout out second hand book shops (preferencial criteria that it was near/attached to a coffee shop which served flat whites for grown ups, and iced chocolates for children) and spend hours trawling through the shelves. By the end of the expedition, I would usually leave completely satisfied with a new (well, old) book penned by the likes of Ann M Martin, Judy Blume or Enid Blyton.

So as you may of pressumed, I used to consider myself and pride myself on being a pretty keen reader. But, alas, as the years roll on and life gets busier (that line is pretty much a cliche nowdays), I have lost touch with my beloved reading days.

So for my 30 day challenge I have decided to get back into the habit and read a book for 30 days. Yesterday felt like a good day to begin- the first day of a new month, and the first day of the week! One day down and 30 pages in feels like I'm off to a good start...

Now for some pretty pictures of bookcases care of Pinterest :)  Oneday I hope to have a grand bookcase which will hold all of my dad's secondhand books!

And finally a bit of a "how to do" guide on bookshelves....