Monday, August 1, 2011

Revitalised reading

I love the smell of second hand books.  It always reminds me of spending time with my dad where we would scout out second hand book shops (preferencial criteria that it was near/attached to a coffee shop which served flat whites for grown ups, and iced chocolates for children) and spend hours trawling through the shelves. By the end of the expedition, I would usually leave completely satisfied with a new (well, old) book penned by the likes of Ann M Martin, Judy Blume or Enid Blyton.

So as you may of pressumed, I used to consider myself and pride myself on being a pretty keen reader. But, alas, as the years roll on and life gets busier (that line is pretty much a cliche nowdays), I have lost touch with my beloved reading days.

So for my 30 day challenge I have decided to get back into the habit and read a book for 30 days. Yesterday felt like a good day to begin- the first day of a new month, and the first day of the week! One day down and 30 pages in feels like I'm off to a good start...

Now for some pretty pictures of bookcases care of Pinterest :)  Oneday I hope to have a grand bookcase which will hold all of my dad's secondhand books!

And finally a bit of a "how to do" guide on bookshelves....

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