Thursday, March 31, 2011

live live to the max! (and no this is not endorsed by pepsi)

JF, this one's for you. Ever feel like life gets so busy that you can't fit in the things you mean to do or want to do? Cue inspirational quotes re: You only live once! Make the most of every moment of life! Live life to its fullest potential! Well recently it has occured to me, maybe you can achieve everything you want to do in life by maximising your time better; and Wednesday night was the perfect example of putting this theory into practice :)

JF and I had been meaning to see Little Red Riding Hood at the movies for a few weeks now, and it seemed as if we were constantly postponing it to next week (yes there's always a next week).  Just as we were renogiating a time for next week, JF said she would pop around to my house anyway to pick up her umbrella. Unbeknownst to her however, I spontaneously sprug on her that we were going to the movies right then and there! It didn't matter that it started in 10 minutes, nor that it was the latest session and we both had to work the following day-Now, I know that seeing a movie at 9pm on a "school night" may not be considered exactly ground-breaking by most standards, but for us it was more about the moral of the act-  Isn't this is what life is all about? Stepping out of your comfort zone and changing up your routine a little makes you feel that yes, you feel alive!

Luckily for me, I have a friend who I know who would laugh with me either way (whether she was a willing kidnappee or not!) which I think is a great testament to our friendship. What she may not have realised was that she was quite instrumental to the mindset of "make the most out of every opportunity life presents to you". Not so long ago, she told me that when she lived in San Fransisco, she made a promise to herself that she would say YES to life- to new experiences, adventures, friends which has really stuck with me.

Who makes the rules anyway that you have to sit in an office all day and work from 9am-5pm? Who makes the rules that you should be in bed by a certain hour? Oprah had Ryan Seacrest on her show the other day and when asked how he got to become so successful (and a millionare!) his response was that he got to where he did, not by being the smartest or the fittest or the most attractive, but by making time work to his advantage- He would fit in as much as he possibly could into his day to make sure he was living life to the limits. 

So to living life with no boundaries. xo

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