Thursday, April 28, 2011

this one's for you, dear

I remember when I was a little girl, my grandmother, "Dear", and I used to spend hours on the phone describing the cottage that we would live in together oneday. It would be nestled away in the forest, alongside a riverbank, with a ramp for her wheelchair and a fireplace for the winter time. I had found magazine pictures of a collectable cottage plates series, and I pictured our home to look just like the cosy cottages. I would explain the picture to her in vivid detail, and then we would let our minds run wild with fantasy and imagination; she had a natural talent for making up stories and playing make-believe. So even though Dear can't be with me to share this special day, I hope she knows that I am thinking of her.
Dear, it is just as special as the one we always dreamed of.

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